Here a really good article from surviving an affair expert Brenda
Finding out about your partner's affair is devastating and it consumes your thoughts every moment. You are overload with a range of painful emotions and you may not recognize all of them.
You still love your partner even if you've been cheated on and the fact that you don't want to lose your love is a perfectly normal feeling. Surviving an affair requires a lot of efforts from both of the partners and a lot of time but it can be done with the right guidance.
When you are surviving an affair everything is confusing and you should learn some techniques to calm you down. You have to learn how to be more transparent so you can better manage this problem.
Prepare yourself for what will come when trying to rebuild your relationship after an affair by knowing what to expect. You should know that there will be a range of emotions that will test your limits.
Surviving an affair is all about knowing what to do and when to do it in a certain way.
Here are the most common emotions you will have to deal with:
1. Betrayal
This is the biggest one and most powerful which will prevent you regain the trust. It's not easy to be in the situation where someone has intentionally taken advantage of your trust.
2. Guilt
This whole process of surviving an affair will bring up all the bad and painful emotions and guilt is one of them. Both partner can feel guilty, the cheater is obviously why and the victim might think, "If only I had been a better partner, this would never have happened." This is not true, no matter what kind of partner you are you didn't choose to have an affair.
3. Disappointment
Is normal to feel disappointed when you find out that the one who you love the most has cheated on you. You are on the path of rebuilding your relationship so you can't let these emotions to rung wild, you must control them.
4. Anger
Anger and betrayal go hand-in-hand so you have to be careful. If not controlled, anger will lead to violent feelings and you don't want something like that, not now.
5. Vengefulness
This emotion will appear in almost in every case of infidelity. People want to take revenge on the cheater, on the person the cheater was involved with or both. This emotion is natural but you right now you don't need to make any mistakes that will damage your chances of saving your relationship.
6. Fear
After you found out that your partner has had an affair, there are so many things to fear. When surviving an affair fear is a common feeling that you will have to deal with every day. You might be afraid that you will never be able to repair your relationship or that your life you once knew is over.
7. Frustration
You will be frustrated with the person your partner cheated with and frustrated with the cheater. For a better understanding of your feeling you will have to learn how to cope with this emotion because it will hunt you every single day.
Surviving an affair is all about understanding your feelings and emotions and how to manage them the right way and you will be able to save your relationship and build an even stronger one.
Do you really want to suffer even more because of the affair or would you like to overcome all the negative feelings and emotions in the next days by using a great step-by-step system specially created for people who are dealing with an affair?
Learn how you can survive an affair just by following these simple and effective techniques for surviving an affair [].
Here you can find more information and a FREE Report on how to survive an affair after your spouse cheated on you: []
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